XTRA Synonym for /MS XECHO [] WINDOW Usually used by scripts to open a new window to display information WHOWAS [] WHOIS Asks the server to tell you what it knows about WHO [-switch []] [] WHILE { } WALLOPS . Usually not supported by the server WALL Synonym for /WALLOPS WAIT [-cmd ] VOICE Synonym for /MSG VERSION Shows version info for the program and current server USERS [] USERHOST [ ... ] [-cmd ] TYPE Sends the contents of the file to the channel, line by line. TRACE [] TOPIC [] [] Changes the channel topic. Usually reserved for channel operators TIMER [-refnum ] [-delete ] [] TIME [|] Asks the server or nick for the local time SUMMON [@]. Usually not supported by the server SUMMARY Displays a summary of the available information if nick is in the Contact List STATS [c|h|k|i|l|m|u|y] [] SQUIT . Server operator command SOUND [targetname] [additional text]. Sends a sound play request to the target. Current channel is default SLEEP SIGNOFF Synonym for /QUIT SERVER |[+|-]. Please see the ircII help for additional syntax forms SEND Sends the text to the server SAY Synonym for /SEND RESTART Server operator command REQUEST Synonym for CTCP REHASH Forces the server to re-read its configuration file. Operator command QUOTE Sends raw IRC commands to the server QUIT [] QUERY Opens a window where you can send and receive private messages with PING Measures the time a message from you takes to reach nick. If used without a nick it does a channel wide ping. This is usually frowned upon PASS PART Synonym for /LEAVE OPER [] ONOTICE . Sends text as a notice to all ops in the channel. Ops command ON [#|+|-|^|&|@] [serial] [-|^] [action] OMSG . Sends text as a private msg to all ops in the channel. Ops command NOTIFY [-] [[-] ...] Makes Snak notify you when signs on or off NOTICE | NOTE Sends a note to a nick. Usually not supported by the server NICK Changes your nickname NAMES [] [] MSG | MOTD [] MODE [+|-]. Please see the ircII help for additional syntax forms ME LUSERS [] LOAD Reads in a script file from the Scripts folder LIST [ []] [] LINKS [] LEAVE KILL . Operator command KICKBAN nick!user@host . Operator command KICK *| [] KBSEL Used internally for KickBan menuitem. Use /Kickban instead JOIN -INVITE| [] ISON [ ...] Asks the server if the specified nicks are online INVITE [] Sends a message to and asks them to join the channel INFO Asks the server for information IGNORE [] [-|+|^][] or [] [-][] IF () {} [{}] HOST Synonym for /USERHOST HOOK . The parameter will be caught by an appropriate ON handler HASH FOREACH { } FLUSH Stops pending messages from the server and empties internal queues of outgoing messages EXIT Synonym for /QUIT EVAL ECHO . Causes message to be displayed locally. It is not sent out DNS Attemps to perform DNS lookup on the expression DIE Server operator cmd DESCRIBE Synonym for /ME DEBUGLOG Toggles logging data traffic to a file DEBUG Opens window with internal debug information DATE [|] CTCP [] CTCC Synonym for DCC CONTACT Creates a new entry in the contact list for the specified nick COMMENT Not processed. CLEAR Empties text area. CHANNEL Synonym for /JOIN BYE Synonym for /QUIT BROADCAST .Sends message to all windows BRACT . Sends action to all windows BEEP AWAY [] [] ASSIGN [-] [] ALIAS [-] [] ADMIN | ACTION Synonym for /ME